Sunday, May 30, 2010

Verrry interesting!!!!

We all know that 14th of February is Valentine's Day. In other words, it's Lovers' Day. We also know that 14th of November is Children's Day. 

But I dont know how many of you have realized this earlier that the time period between these two celebrated days is nine months (please pardon me if I have woken up too late....sincere apologies to not have noticed this simple thing for so long).

So, my question here is whether the gestation period for human beings is what it is now, by the Almighty's wishes or it has got something to do with the solar calendar.

So, if we put in a lot of 'effort' on 14th Feb, we can prepare ourselves for a party every year on 14th Nov. What say you...:P :P

Friday, May 28, 2010

Honour killing...

Never been a term more apt for an act so gruesome, so laced with ill logic, so designed by hot-headedness, so motivated by shallow thinking and so criminal.

The act is carried out supposedly to preserve the sanctity of the family in particular and the community at large. However, the act only manages to rip off in an instant, the honour right from its roots which had set in that particular community over ages.

This heinous act of killing the young people is solicited and provoked by the ‘khap’ panchayat and is carried out by the people (from inside or outside the concerned families), who for some totally unknown reason, have bestowed upon them the right and duty to safeguard the dignity of the community. These members of the panchayat and also the people involved in this bloody madness show extreme sincerity, dedication and enthusiasm towards carrying out this barbaric act. If only they had shown such an attitude towards learning to open up their minds and at least try to reason out the step taken by the young couple.

The panchayat is in no mood to change its stand regarding this issue. They will never take a step backward because they fear they might lose their tight grip over the people of their creed. They have ruled their people with a so-called iron fist and they have all the plans to do so even in future, in their own ways and manners.

They are making a mockery of the law of this country. They are taking the law of the land in their own hands and throwing it to the gallows. The honourable Supreme Court should condemn this act with firmness and should direct the concerned people in public service to take control of the situation immediately mightily.

We should act without further ado before it’s so late that the law of the land loses its own honour as well in the eyes of the people.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Clicking in the dark

Ever heard of the famous line “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? If you have, then you would certainly understand what I am trying to say here. But if you haven’t heard of this line, then you better mug it up soon. Because this is exactly what the concerned authorities, who conduct one of the most awaited exams of any year (CAT), have conveniently forgotten. 
They had set out to bell the CAT but instead ended up ringing the death knell for around two and a half lakh CAT aspirants. Partnering them in this mess was Prometric who are well-known for conducting the GRE in India. 
The issue cited by the CAT authorities was that the number of CAT applicants was increasing every year and it was becoming extremely difficult to manage the assessment of sheets of this humongous figure of aspirants. So, they decided to overhaul the present paper-pencil format of the exam and came up with an online format with the able help of Prometric. 
Going by the track record of Prometric of successfully conducting the GRE for years, it was expected that they would be able to handle the logistics and technological requirements required to carry out this mammoth operation. But, I believe some introspection should have been done before they nosedived into the digital pool. The authorities and Prometric might have dived without knowing how to swim but the ones who actually drowned were the students. Instead of darkening the circles, the students were circling in the dark. Instead of the system assessing the students’ answers in a flash, the system started flashing the “error” message on the screen. Students usually get tensed whether they will be able to crack the maths section or whether they will ever be able to figure out those passages in English. Instead students started getting nervous whether they will be able to even see the DI section because the Verbal section didn’t move off the screen for two and a half hours. 
The students’ careers are on the line for these two and a half hours but the CAT authorities decided, without a detailed thought, to toy around with this critical time. I do agree that this system will have to be in place sooner than later but proper, well-informed and well thought out plan should be in place for such a re-engineering idea to take shape. I personally believe that these people tried to do “too much too soon”.